Rita Szabo Rengørings Dame.
Professional cleaning lady in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Hire or enquire about Rita's cleaning lady services.

Hello! My name is Rita Szabo. I am a professional cleaning lady offering cleaning services in Copenhagen.
My clients are those who are:
-Too busy to take care of regular cleaning and maintenance of their homes.
-Occupied with the management of their offices.
-Healthcare and skincare professionals who need industry standard cleaning.
They hire me because they know they can trust me and my 20+ years of experience.
I work alone, I am reliable, trustworthy, friendly and some one who always deliver.
Don't take my word on this! Read my reviews below.

Efficient Office Cleaning by Professional Cleaning Lady in Copenhagen
I am a mother of 2, I have been providing professional and affordable cleaning services in Copenhagen for over 20 years.
I have cleaned staircases to offices, pubs, dentists, family houses and apartments to clinics.
There is no area I haven't cleaned and disinfected in Copenhagen.

I don't take sick days, unless I have a replacement that you know and trust.
I don't just "run through" the office or house and leave it worse than it was.
Instead I DO:
-Disinfect. So there are no contaminating germs left in your area.
-Clean dirty spots. So everything looks shiny and clean.
-Eradicate dust. To avoid development of allergies.
-Sanitize and wash the floor. (even in the hard to reach hidden places)
-and many other things (as requested).
With my skills and experience in using the best cleaning techniques, strategies and approaches customers are 98% more satisfied with me than my regular counterparts.
Cleaning in Copenhagen.
Unique & Industry Specialized cleaning
Family houses and apartments.
House & apartment cleaning typically include the following (but is not limited to)
-Dusting all horizontal surfaces
-Spot cleaning
-Table, chair and window sill wiping
-Bathroom disinfect and decalk
-Switch and door handle disinfect
-Lamp dusting
Commercial/office cleaning typically includes (but not limited to):
-floor vacuum and mopping
-bathroom disinfect
-Screen wiping
-Dental offices.
-Doctor offices.
-Skin clinics.
-Main / Deep Cleanings.
Anything and everything that requires extra attention, cleanliness and care.
Happy Customers!
"Gode rengøringsservice, de er fleksible, både ved flere og færre rengøringsaftaler, og de tilpasser deres service til netop vores behov. Varm anbefaling herfra! " -Rikke Rasmussen fra Loop UX.
"Vi er utroligt glade for dit arbejde hos os. Du er effektiv, men grundig, sød, høflig og meget nem at samarbejde med. Du er ansvarlig, pligtopfyldende og pålidelig. Vi kan således altid regne med, at det hele er i orden i alle kroge, hjørner og under senge, sofa og stole. Derudover er vi meget begejstrede for din omtanke med miljø- og allergivenlige materialer, som du altid bruger hos os. MVH" -Carsten og Malene Missel
"Rita fra Shine Rengøring er meget samvittighedsfuld med sit arbejde. Når hun har været i huset, er der rent i alle kroge, og alting står i lige rækker. Rita er pålidelig, og det er altid hyggeligt at møde hende, når vores veje krydses efter fyraften. Vi er meget tilfredse med prisen og kvaliteten." -Ole B. Nielsen, Direktør, MONSTRUM legeredskaber
Some places I cleaned over the years that you might know ;)
-Bygge information
-Nordre Fasan
-Hudklinikken Nørrebro
-Troldbod Bodega
-Irish Pub
-Loop UX
-Clean Denmark
-Børneuniversitetet Charlottenlund Kirkevej 7A
Somethings to be aware of:
Did you know most cleaners don't clean behind doors and corners or hard to reach surfaces? This can lead to accumulated dust and micro organisms living in these spots and slowly spreading back out to the rest of the room(s). Is your cleaner also not cleaning behind doors? Get a free quote below!
Your satisfaction is my duty. Therefore I am giving you a guarantee of well done work each and every time.
Is trust important to you? It is important to trust the cleaning staff. They are usually in the office or your house when you aren't. I have been in the cleaning business successfully for over 20+ years, with no complaints, criminal history or reports and with 100% satisfied customers.
Inquire here
If you are looking for a cleaner in copenhagen.
You can request to get a tailor made cleaning plan and a custom and fair offer.
I will get back to you within 24 hours. Looking forward to our discussion:)
MVH, Rita Szabo